Friday, May 25, 2012

Attorneys to Avoid in Sedgwick County, Kansas

Association of Honest Attorneys is an organization that was formed to help educate the common person about our legal system. It is not only for family court, but ANY court in which you want to come out a winner. If you haven't figured it out yet, no one wins in court.

Association of Honest Attorneys provides a list of "Lawyers to Avoid" as well as "Lawyers to Consider." (Bottom of that page). As you can see, the list is not just local to Kansas or Sedgwick County.

One attorney that IS on that list from Sedgwick County, Kansas is Monica Cameron. If you visit her website (I'm not going to provide the link) you are told that she provides, "Understanding and compassionate legal counsel," and that she, "Listens to you and cares about your family." Her tag line is, "Your family is at the heart of my practice."


Monica Cameron doesn't give a shit about you or your children. She will tell you what you want to hear, take your money, and drag it out as long as she can,'s more money to her. Duh. It's what attorneys do and she is a pro at it. But while she is raking in YOUR dough, you will be dragged through every legal maneuver imaginable, including postponements, delays, case management, mediation, bogus settlement conferences, unnecessary psych evaluations, and other emotionally draining hoops you will have to jump through before you ever see the light at the end of the tunnel. Meanwhile, nothing is resolved, and the money that should be spent on YOUR children is now in HER pockets.

I have heard so many stories coming from Sedgwick County Family Court losers. I know a father who spent $40,000 on attorney's fees before he realized his attorney and his ex-wife's attorney were scamming them both. They kept the feud on as long as they could, pretending to "negotiate" while they went out to lunch, or did absolutely nothing. 

If you have experience with a Sedgwick County attorney that you would like shared on here, please let us know! You can comment below and we will be in touch with you.

For Our Kids,
Smart One

1 comment:

  1. This is so eerie you posted this on the exact day of my husband's final day in court (for now - who knows what the future holds). I am not from Kansas so I don't have any lawyers to avoid in your state but I completely agree with what you've said!!

    This time around in court we didn't hire a lawyer, my husband just represented himself and he got more results than when he hired a lawyer the first time and in less time through court!

    His ex's lawyer postponed court a few times but in the end the judge realized my husband was in court this time for more access, (that his ex was actually agreeing to) and the judge was baffled why it had been dragged out so long (even going to mediation which the ex refused to follow). The judge gave the ex a verbal lashing for wasting court's time and granted my husband the access he wanted!

    So my conclusion is without a lawyer it may have been a lot more paperwork to go through but we were involved in everything every step of the way, knew everything that was being offered, didn't waste a ton of money on an over-paid lawyer (they're secretaries do most of the real work) and walked away with what we wanted in the end!
